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Mirzoyan, A.E.: Treatment of Patients With Short Stature by Ilizarov Method. Paper No. 23, 5th Annual ASAMI North America Scientific Meeting, Orlando, FL, February 19, 1995
Mirzoyan, A.E.: Use of the Ilizarov Technique in Treatment of Earthquake Victims With Bone Fractures. Paper N 15, 6th Annual ASAMI North America Scientific Meeting, Atlanta, GA, February 21, 1996.
Mirzoyan, A.E.: Reimplantation and Lengthening of a Traumatic Amputation of the Leg Using the Ilizarov Apparatus: Case Report. Am. J. Bone and Joint Surg, March 1996, 78-A: 437-438
Christensen, K.S., Mirzoyan, A.E., Lass, P.: Ilizarov Thechnique: The Treatment of Choice in Orthopaedic Surgery. International Symposium dedicated to the 25th Anniversary of the Russian Center of “Restorative Orthopaedics and Traumatology” named after Academician G.A. Ilizarov. Genij Ortopedii, October 1996, 66-67
Mirzoyan, A. E., Shevtsov V.I., Treatment of Congenital Pseudoarthrosis of the Tibia with the Ilizarov Technique.Poster No. 7, International Conference Commemorating 10 Years of the Ilizarov Technique in the USA. Houston, Texas, November 7-11, 1996
Mirzoyan, A.E.: Treatment of Patients with Congenital Pseudoarthrosis of the Tibia Using the Ilizarov Technique. Acta Orthop Scand, December 1996, 67:79
Mirzoyan, A.E.: Correction of Complex Foot and Ankle Deformity by the Ilizarov Technique. Acta Orthop Scand, December 1996, 67:80
Mirzoyan, A. E., Saroyan S. V., Stepanyan A.R.: Comparison of capacities of different external fixators in treatment of severe trauma and skeletal defects. Scientific International conference “New technologies in medicine”. Kurgan, September 2000, 19-21, pp. 225-226
Mirzoyan A. E., Artemiev A. A.: Ilizariv technique and aesthetic surgery of legs. 2nd International Meeting of the A.S.A.M.I May 24-26, 2001 Rome -Italy, page 28
Mirzoyan, A.E., Desyatchnko K.S., Ohanjanyan M.S.: Biochemical analyses of patients with fractures of bones, complicated with crush syndrome. Genij Ortopedii №1 2001 pp. 73-78. (Russian)
Mirzoyan A.E., Shved S.I.: Resent representations about organizational and surgical principals during muss destructions. Genij Ortopedii №2 2001 pp. 61-69. (Russian)
М.R. Маdatian, А.E. Мirzoyan: Psychologic correction in the complex treatment of patients with the locomotor system trauma in case of mass admission Genij Ortopedii №2 2002 pp. 115-119. (Russian)
Mirzoyan A.E., Saroyan S.V.: Pelvic Support Osteotomy for Treatment of Hip Instability. 3rd Meeting of the A.S.A.M.I International May 27-29, 2004 Istanbul-Turkey, pp. 232
Artemiev A. A., Mirzoyan A. E., Popov V.A.: Aesthetically Indicated Surgical Correction of Shape and Proportion of the Legs. 3rd Meeting of the A.S.A.M.I International May 27-29, 2004 Istanbul-Turkey, page 299
Mirzoyan A.E., Artemiev A.A: The Possibilities of Esthetic Surgery of Lower Limbs. Materials of International Conference. October 2004, 20-21, Kurgan Russia, pp. 187-189
Mirzoyan A.E.: Ilizarov Application in Severe Trauma Cases. 1st Congress of the Hellenic Association of Distraction Histogenesis (ASAMI Greece). December 8-10, 2005. p. 73
Saroyan S. V., Mirzoyan A. E.: Closed Osteosynthesis of fractured neck of the femur by external fixators. 4th Congress of trauma and orthopedic surgeons of Armenia, Yerevan 2006, pp. 55-56
Stepanian A. R., Mirzoyan A. E.: Treatment of bilateral clubfoot (case report). 4th Congress of trauma and orthopedic surgeons of Armenia, Yerevan, 2006, pp. 55-56
Artemiev A. A., Mirzoyan A. E., The Aesthetic Surgery of the Lower Extremities. 4th Meeting of the A.S.A.M.I International. October 11-14, 2006, Kyoto, Japan, p. 100
Mirzoyan A. E., Saroyan S. V., Treatment of patients with fractured neck of femur by external fixators. 4th Meeting of the A.S.A.M.I. International October 12-14, 2006, Kyoto, Japan, p. 127
Mirzoyan A. E., Saroyan S. V.: Pelvic Support Osteotomy in Treatment of High Hip Dislocation. May 24-25 2007, Kurgan, Russia, pp. 131-132 (Russian)
Artemiev A. A., Mirzoyan A. E. Application of External osteosynthesis in Aesthetic Surgery of lower Limbs. 4th Meeting of the A.S.A.M.I International. 28-30 May, 2008 St. Petersburg, Russia, p.203
Mirzoyan A. E. Ilizarov Technique in Esthetic Surgery of Legs. 6th International ASAMI & Bone Reconstruction Meeting in Collaboration with 6th International Deformity of EOA, June 16-19, 2010, Cairo, Egypt, p. 81
Mirzoyan A. E., Saroyan S.V., Application of Ilizarov Technique in Leg Lengthening for Cosmetic Reasons. 5th Congress of Traumatologists and Orthopedic Surgeons of Armenia. 1-3 October 2010, Yerevan-Tzaghkadzor, Armenia
Mirzoyan A. E., Saroyan S. V., Vahramyan A.G.: Pelvic Support Osteotomy by Shanz-Lizarov for Treatment of Congenital High Hip Dislocation in Adolescent. ASAMI and BR 7th International Congress Combined with the 5th Congress of ASSAMI Greece, June 6-9, 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece, 0 146
Mirzoyan A.E. , Malkhasyan G. A., Vahramyan A. G.: Ilizarov Technique in Aesthetic Surgery of Legs (Problems, Obstacles and Complications). Combined Meeting of ILLRS, LLRS and ASAMI-BR, Nov. 4-7, 2015, Miami, Florida, p. 161
Esthetic and Reconstructive Surgery of Legs. Published by “ГЭОТАР-Media” Moscow ISBN 978-5-9704-0840-7, 2008, p. 247 (Russian)
Esthetic and Reconstructive Surgery of Legs. Published by “ГЭОТАР-Media” Moscow ISBN 978-5-9704-0840-7, 2008, p. 247 (Russian)
Orthopedics in Disasters. Primary Skeletal Stabilization and Role of External Fixations , Alexander Lerner, Nikolaj Wolfson , William Henry Boice III , and Arshak E. Mirzoyan. ISBN 978-3-662-48950-5, © 2016, p. 225 – 237